Tour the National Museum of Health and Medicine in Silver Spring, Maryland, with fellow alumna, Caitlin Schrein (CC'99).
Limit: 20 adults (no limit on the number of children). Approximate duration: 90 minutes
The National Museum of Health and Medicine inspires interest in and promotes the understanding of medicine -- past, present, and future -- with a special emphasis on tri-service American military medicine. The general tour is an overview of the museum's permanent exhibits, including "Military Medicine: Challenges and Innovations" "Civil War Collections" "The Human Body: Anatomy and Pathology" and others.
Displays of interest include "The Final Hours of President Lincoln" and human pathology.
Caitlin Schrein is an anthropologist and volunteer docent at the museum. She earned her B.A. from Columbia University in 1999 in Environmental Biology, with a Concentration in Anthropology. She also earned an M.A. and Ph.D. in Evolutionary Anthropology from the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University. Her doctoral research examined human evolutionary biology education in America and its association with students' interest in STEM degrees and careers and their socioscientific decision-making. She also conducts research involving fossil primates.
Caitlin has more than 15 years of experience in formal and informal science education and outreach. She was a National Academy of Sciences Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy Graduate Fellow. Her personal and professional interests include science writing, the history of science and medicine, natural history collections, science policy, and screen/script writing.
- Wear comfortable shoes. Reasonable accommodations are available by request when you RSVP (wheelchair assistance, audio assistance, etc.).
- Museum website:
- Free parking is available on site.