Speaking Out:

The New Rules of Business Leadership Communication

Courtesy of https://www.bloomberg.com/

Matthew Kohut

Managing Partner, KNP Communications

In conversation with:

Ed Hoffman, PhD

CEO, Knowledge Strategies
Former NASA Chief Knowledge Officer
Senior Faculty, Columbia University School of Professional Studies

At Busboys & Poets, 450K St 

Corporate leaders are increasingly expected to issue statements on a range of complex and controversial political and social issues as they arise. As a result, chief executives run the risk of falling into the "talking trap," and thus needing to comment on every issue du jour. However, those whose only strategy is to avoid risk by saying nothing do so at their own peril.

Communication guru Matthew Kohut offers a new framework for understanding how to manage corporate communications challenges with a shared emphasis on actions and words. In this presentation, case studies of leaders who have spoken out and backed their words with action are contrasted with those of others who have had mixed records on accountability, failed to show progress in public commitments or faced consequences for taking a stance. These real-world examples demonstrate the difference between public relations efforts that can be easily dismissed as spin and authentic communication that enhances credibility and trust.

Kohut demonstrates that managing risk today involves knowing not just when to speak and what to say but also what to do. Providing much-needed guidance, this conversation hopes to encourage effective corporate communications for established and aspiring C-suite leaders alike. Professionals working in corporate and executive communications, marketing and branding, government relations, corporate social responsibility, and public relations will also benefit from participating in the discussion.

Time will be allocated for Q&A.

Co-sponsored by Harvard and MIT Clubs of Washington DC


"With the profound changes taking place in our society, companies have had to rethink their role in terms of both responsibility and the political environment. No topic has been hotter than when to speak out. Matt Kohut's new book is the first definitive look at this topic and a must read for every senior executive team looking for a comprehensive guide to this topic." Paul A. Argenti, professor of corporate communication, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College

Copies of the book will be available for purchase and signing at the event.

Matthew Kohut is the coauthor of The Smart Mission: NASA's Lessons for Managing Knowledge, People, and Projects (2022), and Compelling People: The Hidden Qualities That Make Us Influential (2013), one of Amazon's Best Business Books of 2013.

As the managing partner of KNP Communications, Kohut has prepared CEOs, elected officials, and public figures for events from live television appearances to TED talks.

Kohut has taught at George Washington University and held a fellowship at Bennington College. His writing has appeared in publications from Harvard Business Review to Newsweek.

Ed_Photo_Official.jpgDr. Edward J Hoffman is CEO, Knowledge Strategies, LLC.  Knowledge Strategies is engaged in research, education, and consulting services in support of organization performance. His clients for presentations and workshops have included NASA, Amazon, Microsoft, Hitachi, Boeing, Citi, Salesforce, John Deere, the UK Ministry of Defense, and numerous others. He was the first NASA Chief Knowledge Officer, and founder of the NASA Project Leadership Academy.

Following the Columbia Shuttle failure, he led the team that designed the Strategic Management and Governance Handbook. He received the NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal in 2010. Dr. Hoffman is currently a Professor at the Columbia University School of Professional Studies researching and teaching on the future of work. Dr. Hoffman has co-authored The Smart Mission: NASA’s Lessons for Managing Knowledge, People, and Projects (MIT Press, 2022) which received Axiom award recognition for Business Intelligence and Innovation book. Dr. Hoffman consults to organizations on ‘The Smart Mission’ leadership canvas for sustained team performance, as well as strategies for navigating for the future of work His other books include Shared Voyage: Learning and Unlearning from Remarkable Projects (NASA, 2005) and Project Management Success Stories: Lessons of Project Leaders (Wiley, 2000).

September 26, 2024 at 6:30pm - 8pm

Busboys and Poets

450 K St NW
Washington, DC 20001
United States

Miyako Yerick


Will you come?

$10.00 All other guests #tickets at $10 each
$5.00 ColumbiaDC members #tickets at $5 each
$5.00 Harvard Club of DC members #tickets at $5 each
$5.00 MIT Club of DC members #tickets at $5 each